David C. Hall, DDS Marc H. Bienstock, DDS, MD Samantha B. Jones, DDS, MD Jonathan Wechter, DDS
9 E. Pedregosa Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805-569-1889 122 S. Patterson Ave, Bldg A, Suite 111, Santa Barbara, CA 93111 805-964-6787
Have you ever thought about the possibility of growing new teeth? Of course, when we are younger, this phenomenon does occur, with adult teeth replacing our missing baby teeth. Many scientists and doctors, however, believed it was impossible, or highly unlikely for adults to ever form new teeth. Yet only recently, researchers in Sweden have […]
For the majority of people, the removal of their wisdom teeth is just another part of growing up. However, that doesn’t mean it’s an easy part! A combination of frightening stories from friends and false rumors online have may have you feeling anxious about your upcoming procedure. So we’d like to set the record straight […]